Friday, April 20, 2012

Need More Art Time!

It's after midnight right now.  I sat down at my computer two hours ago, and told myself that I had 15 minutes to work on my art.  Then, I was supposed to move onto more responsible things - like working at my job that actually pays me in real money - the kind I need to pay bills and stuff.

For my fifteen minutes, I decided to listen to an interview from my Surface Pattern Design class.  (By the way, this class is my new favorite thing - love it, love it!!)  The interview was all about this awesome artist, Lousie Gale who is living the dream and making it happen!  She's following her passion, and living a life full of creativity and inspiration! (Soooo jealous, but excited at the same time to see living proof yet again that my dreams are possible!)

Anyway, of course after listening to this uplifting, inspiring interview, I couldn't just shut down my art mode right away and move onto processing payroll for the week for my job (I work from home).  I allowed myself 15 more minutes to "doodle."  I just wanted to loosen up, and create something of my own - anything.  I didn't have a plan, I just turned on my favorite song, "Dream Big" by Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband, and started sketching on my Cintiq the first thing that came to mind. 

Then I couldn't stop.  There was this annoying, nagging voice in my head telling me that I should, but I didn't.  My artist voice won tonight, and you know what?!  I'm glad!!!  Not that I created the most fabulous piece in the world or anything, but I'm just happy that I made my art the priority.  I need to do that more often, seriously.  My artistic voice is screaming, and I mean screaming inside of me to come out.  All day long, I just want to create, create, create!!!  There aren't enough hours in the day, and I'm not sure when I'm going to make up my hours that I was supposed to get in tonight, but I'll work it out some how, I guess.  The search continues to find that perfect balance in life where I can have it all......  I'll let you know how that works out.

So, here's my little ditty - looks like a Lollipop tree to me.  Fun, right?

Oh, and you have to check out this funny thing that happened the other day.  For my art time, I really wanted to make a rainbow cupcake (I don't know, I just love rainbows and I love cupcakes, so why not?)  Here's what I came up with:

Then, I was looking through some pictures I had taken a few years ago, and look what I found:

Ha!  I just happened to make chocolate cupcakes one day for the fun of it, and as I was putting them onto plates for my fam, I thought to myself, "Oh, man, this is too cute, I need to take a picture."  So, I did, and then filed it away and forgot about it..........or did I?  It was still lurking around in my subconscious, I guess.  Pretty, funny, huh?   Looks like the rainbow cupcake idea runs deeper in me than I thought.

Anyway, it's totally past my bedtime.  That is my artistic update for today.  Good night.  : )