Tuesday, July 31, 2012


It's me.

It's been awhile.  I know.

I'm easily distracted.


This is my official declaration of commitment!  Commitment to posting regular blog entries.

For the first time in about a year, I actually feel like I have a reasonable amount of time to devote to my artsy biz (knock on wood).  YAY - love it!  : )

So, here's my plan:

I'm taking this AWESOME ecourse right now - The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design.

A year ago, I didn't even know what a Surface Pattern Designer was.

Never heard of it.

Now it's my destiny.

Honestly - I love it!  I kinda think I was born to do this.  It is so me.

So, I'm currently in Part 2 of 3.  And my goal is to have part 2 completed by September 3rd, which is when Part 3 starts.  And this time, dangit, I am going to keep up with the rest of the class (as of today, I am 5 months behind everyone - eef - lame, I know)!

My other goal, as I mentioned earlier is to post regularly on my blog, so I will be on here twice a week with a little update from my designy art land world.

Here's what I've been up to this week:

It's raining cupcakes.


I don't know.

Why not?  Heck - I want to live wherever it rains cupcakes!

Cupcake flower, anyone?

How about a whole collection of cupcake flowers?

For some reason, the two things that always seem to pop in my head first when I sketch, are cupcakes and flowers, so, bam, there ya go - Cupcake Flowers.  Cute, or what?

I was proud of myself for this color palette.  I'm usually either putting every color of the rainbow into my art, or loads and loads of pink.

I didn't do either this time.

I'm thinking outside the box.  Trying to edit myself - stretch myself - whatever you want to call it.

I just did these kinda quickly, without trying to think to much.  It was fun, and have I mentioned before how much I love my Cintiq?  Ahhhhhhhhh.........