Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Paper Pack Banner

Most of the time, I love my little artsy biz, and I think it's just the greatest thing ever and the answer to all my problems.

Then, there's nights like tonight.

Here's what my plan was:  I was going to design the ribbon/banner thing to go across my new digital paper packs that I'm going to start offering soon.

Then, I was going to create 2-3 more paper packs.

Then, I was going to upload them to my Etsy shop and get all set up for instant downloads.

And then the cash was going to start rolling in from all my orders.  : )

Sounds good, right?

ARG!  Well, it took me FOREVER to design a ribbon/banner thing that I liked.

I seriously went through about 40 different options.

I always say how much I love working digitally with art because it gives me so much flexibility, but sometimes the never-ending options are just too overwhelming.

But, guess what?  I finally came up with a design that I like!  Horray!

Can you believe it took me three and a half hours to just come up with this simple thing:

Hmmm, it is quite cute, though, I have to say.  I wanted to be extra picky with this, because this is the template I'm going to be using for all my digital papers.

And, of course, I couldn't just leave it as these colors all the time.  As much as I love them, they are not always going to match my paper packs.  So, that endless digital flexibility came in handy, and I customized the colors to match my first paper pack.

Ta da!

Ok, so, yeah, this is fun.

I think the frustration was worth it.  : )

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