Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Inspiration is Everywhere!

Isn't it amazing how inspiration can be found anywhere, if you start to open your eyes?

It's incredible, really.

If you don't believe me, just go outside, pick up the first leaf that you see, and look closely at the texture.  Then pick up another leaf. 

It's different, right?  Sometimes it's only different by a little bit, but it's still unique.

Design and art and beauty are all around us.  I love it!  : )

Like the other day, I was wearing this pink, ruffled, sequin shirt.  Here, I scanned it in, so you can see:
For some reason, I've always been drawn to circles.  I just love them! 

So, I looked down at my shirt, and was just fascinated by the repeating pattern of the circles, and how the light caught each sequin at a different intensity and made the shirt shimmer and shine with a rich texture.  "Hmmm, how could I create a digital version of this to use in my art?"  I thought to myself.

Well, here you go:
I started with my original circle file, which I told you about in my last post.  I then selected random circles through-out the pattern, and changed the color, to give it that shimmery look.

Ta da!  Ooo, the possibilities!  I could have so much fun with this!

Good news for you, too.  It's going to be for sale later this week in my Etsy shop!  I'll keep you posted!  : )

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