Saturday, August 4, 2012

My Peeps

See, I told you I'd be back!  Yay, me.  : )

So, this week, I have been extra excited about discovering more and more of "my peeps!"

This whole internet thing is amazing!  I am finding people all over the world who share my same hopes and dreams and visions and unquenchable creative urges.

Not so long ago, I felt a bit like a lone soul drifting in the universe, not quite understanding which direction to go.

Now, it is just incredible how many people I am discovering out there that are just like me!  I love it!

So much!

Who knew that there was this whole community of creative, entrepreneurial, positive-thinking women out there!

They are all so inspiring to me!  I love that they are out there - doing what they love, and expressing their creativity.

I've also noticed that there is a great feeling of openness and willingness to share their stories and tips and secrets!  Instead of a harsh, snobbish feeling of competition, there is a love, acceptance and feeling of "there is room enough for all of us to be successful."

They're all my new best friends.

Only they don't know it yet.

I'm a little shy still, and not quite ready to formally introduce myself.  We'll get to that.  Maybe one day, I'll have more of a two-sided relationship with some of these women.

I just can't get over how amazing it is that I've discovered them, though, and I'm finding their words just really ring true for me.  I'll get choked up at times reading their blogs because they are speaking exactly what is in my heart.  And I didn't really realize that there were other people out there who feel exactly how I feel.  Awwww, I love it!

Anyway,  so here's a little list (in no particular order) of some of my new favorite people in the world.  This is not an all-inclusive list.  There are so many amazing women out there living the dream - making it happen.  These are just a few of my very faves right now:

Danielle Laporte

Jessica Swift

Kelly Rae Roberts

Leonie Dawson

Beth Nichols
Rachael Taylor

I just love them!  They are all so inspiring to me.  I am so grateful for each of them and their amazing talents, and attitudes, and ambitions!


Maybe one day I'll be as cool as them.  : )

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