Sunday, August 19, 2012


Hi, World!

It's me.

I created some more art.

Here it is.

I'm definitely noticing a theme in my art lately:

Bright colors
Happy Thoughts

They keep calling to me.  I don't know what it is.

I've always had a little fascination with hot air balloons, even though I've never actually been in one before (some day, though!). 

You know what it is?  I've just really always wanted to be able to fly.

I remember as a little girl, I was determined to fly.  I truly believed that if I wanted it bad enough, I could actually will myself to take flight.  I vividly remember practicing in my hallway.  I'd run as fast as I could, and then jump as high as I could, thinking that at some point, I was definitely going to stay in the air, and I don't know, start flying around the house or something.

Oh, and flying dreams?!  The best, right?!

Well, I did finally come to the realization that I can't fly all by myself, but I can go for a ride in a hot air balloon, and that's pretty dang cool.

So, as I was making breakfast the other day, this vision just popped in my head of a really colorful hot air balloon with happy, positive words all over it.

I sat down and sketched it right way (since I'm trying to be an artist all the time, not just at my designated "art time.")

Tonight, as I created it on the computer, I decided to make the pattern out of circles instead of diamonds.  They speak to me more. 

So, yes, I know it's not the greatest masterpiece known to man, but I really had fun doing it, and it's kinda cute and happy, right?

You know what my favorite thing is about it?  I love how I was able to do the swirly texture.  Swirlies are another thing that keep showing up in my art - I love them! 

So, I decided to make a Photoshop brush out of them.  Yes!  I remember a time, not too long ago, when I didn't even know you could create your own Photoshop brushes out of anything in the whole world.  Then, I remember being so intimidated by the idea, thinking that I probably wouldn't be very good at.

Well, guess what?  I did it!  And it's so easy!  I LOVE it! 

So, I created the swirly brush and then I was able to use it over and over all over the art, and change the size.  It was like a magical rubber stamp.

AND, I experimented with the color a bit, too.  I changed it to see if maybe I would like it better in white, or pink, or yellow, or blue.......  Turns out, I liked it best in my original color (black).  But isn't digital art amazing?!?  I just love how much endless experimentation there is and freedom!

Yes, freedom! 

I think that's what it all boils down to for me.  The flying, the art creation, the digital medium.

I'm kindove all about freedom, and I love it.  : )

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